The meeting between the narrowly delimited, but intensely clear, individual consciousness and the expanse of the collective unconscious is dangerous, because the unconscious has a decidedly disintegrating effect on consciousness. According to the Hui Ming Ching, this effect belongs to the peculiar phenomena of Chinese yoga. Psychiatrists are always ready to believe in toxins and the like, and even to explain schizophrenia in these terms, putting next to no emphasis on the psychic contents. The fact that the animus and anima part after death and go their ways independently shows that, for the Chinese consciousness, they are distinguishable psychic factors, originally they were united in the one effective, true human nature, but in the house of the Creative they are two. The Western mind is based wholly on the standpoint of consciousness, it must define the anima in the way the author have done. The East came to its knowledge of inner things in childlike ignorance of the external world.