Time, disclo-

sedness (Erschlossenheit) towards the world of

Dasein. Dasein is never simply present in-

itself but is always marked by timeliness and

is thus already outside of itself, open towards,

and in this sense, transcending towards the

world. Dasein is always already transcending,

already opened up towards social Being-with.

The concept “ontological transcendence”

describes this being-in-the-world (Raffoul,

“Otherness” and Heidegger). Dasein is already

in a world, and the world is not encountered

in and as a collection of objects as it is conceived

from the perspective of dualism between a

subject and an object. The subject is no longer

the underlying, self-identical unity that

remains unaltered and unaffected by all its

encounters. Ecstatic timeliness, the finitude of

our being-in-the-world, is what makes the

appearance of such a subject impossible.

We are already in-the-world and such an

ontological transcendence undoes in advance

any claim to auto-productive individuality or

an immanentist, “proper” identity (Heidegger,
