The material examines a quantity of marriage horoscopes, was obtained from friendly donors in Zurich, London, Rome, and Vienna. Marriage is a well-characterized fact, though its psychological aspect shows every conceivable sort of variation. According to the astrological view, it is the aspect of marriage that expresses itself most markedly in the horoscopes. The statistical material shows that a practically as well as theoretically improbable chance combination occurred which coincides in the most remarkable way with traditional astrological expectations. One has the impression that these methods, and others like them, create favorable conditions for the occurrence of meaningful coincidences. The causality principle asserts that the connection between cause and effect is a necessary one where as the synchronicity principle asserts that the terms of a meaningful coincidence are connected by simultaneity and meaning. In Chinese philosophy one of the oldest and most central ideas is that of Tao, which the Jesuits translated as 'God'.