Eastern view of world, 383 Eckermann, J. P., 449 Eddington, Sir Arthur, 234 Eden, Garden of, 242, 248 education, 373; of the adult, 61; re-

ligious, 393 effect: cause and, 3/, 31; and energy,

assimilation to wider personality, 292; association of collective content with, 311; child's struggle for an, 395; and complexes, 100; conscious, and psychic contents, 186/; and consciousness, 323; dream-, 306; highly composite, 323/; fragmentation of, 224; and images of psychic activities, 324; meaning of, 323; not easily altered, 224; not whole human being, 324; St. Paul's, and Christ complex, 308; second, 186, 391; and self, 224^; soul-complexes and, 309/f; and unconscious, relation, 87/, 165

ego-centredness, 226 ego-complex, 100, 324, 390; centre

characteristic of psyche, 307 ego-consciousness, 178, 189, 217, 323;

and complexes, 100; effects of wholeness on, 223; expression of soul, 346; grows out of unconscious, 347; and secondary consciousness, 174, 189; synthesis of sense-consciousness, 324; and wider consciousness, 333

ego-memories, 390 ego-personality, transformation of,

224 Egypt/Egyptians, ancient, 209, 439 Eisler, Robert, 197, 198η Ekoi, 64 elan vital, 30, 351 electricity, 47 electrons, 339 electron-microscope, 168

Eleusinian mysteries, 155 Elgon, Mount, 209 Elgonyi, 65η, 154, 209, 304.W elixir, 192 elves, 97 emotion(s), 346, 440; and attitude,

332; collective, 292 empathy, 5, 32 Empédocles, 30 empiricism, 388 enantiodromia, 219 enemy, judgment of, 270 energie: and mechanistic stand-

points, 3/f; —, and psychic events, 6ff; view, value of, 16

energy(-ies): concept of, 4, 278; —, pure and applied, 28; conservation of, 18/f; of constellating power in complexes, 12; degree of, and threshold, 172; and ESP, 434/; God as, 351; indestructible, 514; kinetic, formula for, 233; life as, 405/; and physical events, 4, 8; primitive concept of, 64; as primordial image, 137; psychic, see below; quanta of, 517; and quantity, 8/; and relation, 6n; sexual, 29; specific, of archetypes, 219η; —, differentiation of, 15; and substance, 22, 28; transformation of, 41; transmission of, 501; see also force; life-energy

energy, psychic: actual and potential, differentiation, 15; differentiation of libido as, 17; and "energy of the psychic," 31; Freud's use of term, 29; history of term, 14/; and physical processes, 7; quantitative estimation, 9; varying forms of, 29; see also unconscious processes

energy-tension, and dreams, 77 Enlightenment, Age of, 271, 408;

superstition, concomitant of, 316 "enlightenment," of civilization, 303 ennui, 360 entelechies, 499

instinct(s) (coni.): definition of, 129, 130; —, Kant's, 130; as ectopsychic factor, 115; five main groups, 118; Freudian theory and, 55, 365; Freud's use of term, 29; imitation of, 42; and intuition, 132; William James on, 131, 134; loss of, 80; modified, 115; no amorphous, 201; origin of, 131/; physiological and psychological aspects, 180; power of, 342; preformation of, 310; relation to psyche, 115/f; repression of, 20; restricted view of, 134; source of, in unconscious, 157; theory of, 114; two aspects of, 212; typical modes of action, 135; and unconscious, 133^; unconsciousness of, 130; are unknown, 367; variability of, 115/f; see also archetype; sexuality; spirit

intellect: not self-sufficient, 318; in primordial images, 402; thinking and, 402

intelligence, flashes of, 347 intentions, 130, 362; good, 355 interdiction, 13 interest, and telepathic experiments,

interpretations, unconscious, 431 intolerance, 395 introversion: as psychic modality,

119/; and regression, 40; tendency to, at night, 83

intuition(s), 141/, 314, 451; archetypes and, 133; faculty of, 123/; and instinct, 132; among primitives, 137; retrospective, 52; use of word, 142

invertebrates, 152 involution, 37 ionosphere, 460 iota, 199 Irenaeus, 19m Iroquois, 61

loss, sense of, and repression of complex, 311

lost objects, return to owners, 431 Lovejoy, Arthur Ο., 61η, 62η, 64 lower organisms, "meaningful" be-

haviour of, 505 Lucifer, 495 Luke, Gospel of, 194η lumen, 191; naturae, 192 Lumholtz, Carl, 63 luminosity(-ies), lSgff, 199, 436 lysis, 295

McConnell,Robert Α., 434/ Macdonell, Α. Α., 518η McGee, W. J., 6m machine, life and use of, 42 macrocosm, 492 Maeder, Alphonse, ion, 15η, 255,

257> 263/ magic, 46, 61/f, 270, 448, 501;

"mother of science," 46; number, 458; among primitives, 137, 157, 347» 369> 37°» 374i sympathetic, 149; see also ceremonies

magna mater, 156 magnetic field, earth's, 460, 527/ magnetism, 442 magpies, 442η Maier, Michael, 514 Malagasy, 64 Malaias, John, 444 Malaya, 63 Malebranche, Nicolas, 136 man: brown, dream of, 503/; centre

of events, 492; civilized, psychic life of, 388; Cosmic, see Purusha; effeminate, 398; First, 199; and heaven, affinity, 490, 495, 496; inner, 194; metallic, 50371; new, 393; synthesis of three worlds, 491; universal and individual, 380; wounded, 506; see also mass man; medieval man; microcosm

mana, 28η, 63/, 65, 137η, 155, 158, 209, 233; personality, 156

mandala, 199, 213, 227/^457 Manichaeism, 190η Manget, J. J., 293η manitu, 61/ Mannhardt, Wilhelm, 437*, 44η "mantic" methods/procedures, 450,

Maoris, 64 Marais, Ε. Ν., 180η Maria the Jewess, 513 marriage: catastrophes in, 398; con-

nections, 454/f; horoscopes, 459/f, 528/; see also aspects, astrological

martyr, Christian, 336 Mars, 401, 455, 461, 474, 528 Mary, the Virgin, 151, 156 Masai, 64 masculine protest, 367 masculinity, 119, 397/ Mass, the, 149 mass, energy and, 20η mass man, 208/, 219, 220 Master, 331 mater ecclesia, 156 materialism, 280, 302, 338, 365/, 367,

370, 512; reaction against, 302 mathematics, 456, 490, 502 matter: inscrutable, 342; latent

psyche in, 234; mind and, 339; nature of, 327, 384; and psyche, relation, 215, 234; as psychic category, 120; and spirit, 216

Matthew, Gospel of, 19371 maturity, 406; need of education in,

60 Mauss, Marcel, 28η, ΐ22 maxim, 331 maya, 354 Mayer, Robert, 65η Mazdaznan, 49 meaning, 339, 482, 485/f, 487/f; cri-


planets, 454; seven, 197 plants, 321 Plato, 30, 156, 502; and archetypes,

135; cave myth, 213η; "Fourth" in Timaeus, 513; parables of, 248

Platonists, 493 play-instinct, 117 pleasure, craving for, 393; Freud

and, 50 Plotinus, 490 plum-pudding, 43 m pneuma/irvevtia, 320, 345 Podmore, F., 430η, 450 poimandres/poimen, 331 political changes, and psychology,

3*4 polytheism, extermination of, 49 Ponape, 64 pontifex maximus, 156 possession, 98; and hysteria, 368;

and insanity, 305 possibility, criterion of, 423 potentialities, psychic, loss of, 394 power: craving for, 393; infantile

claims to, 258, 260; instinct, 367; psychotherapy and increase of,

"powers," suprapersonal, subjection to, 50

Pratt, J. G., et al., 432η prayer, 518 precognition, see foreknowledge predicates, value, 94 prefiguration, 430 pregnancy, 345 Press, the, in wartime, 264 prestige, psychology of, 50 Preuss, Κ. Τ., 42η, 65 primitives, 354, 361; and autono-

mous psychic contents, 369; and belief in souls/spirits, 302/f, 305, 309; and canalization of libido, 44/; and claims of archetype, 375; conceptions of libido, 6i#; dissociability in, 104; and dreams, 49η, 303; and evocation of unconscious, 78; hunger among, 116; in-

stincts in, 134; intuition among, 137; live in two worlds, 303; and loss of soul, 313; and magic, 46; matter and spirit among, 120; mental illnesses in, 305; and metaphor, 147; and myths, 38, 153; and object, 270, 274; old people among, 400; and the psyche, 346; psychology of, 50; quasi-neurosis of, 50; seldom reach old age, 407; and sexuality, 244; and space and time, 436; symbol and, 25; and synchronicity, 50; and unconscious, 157; world-picture of, 327; see also initiation; magic

Prince, Morton, 96 principle(s): guiding, 335; harden-

ing of, 395; triad of, 517; universal, 490

probability, 228/, 425, 528/; calculus, 430; psychic, archetypes as, 515

problems, 388^; and consciousness, 390; purpose of, 394

process(es): and instincts, 180; psychic, 166, 207

Proclus, 137 prognosis, dreams and, 282 progression: and development, 37;

energie view, 38/; and extraversión, 40; of libido, 32/f; means to regression, 40; origin of, 39

projectile, 406, 408 projection(s), 207, 264/, 271, 308,

370, 452; of analyst's psychology, 259; archetypal, 493; in child, on to parents, 53; and counter-projections, 273; favourable and unfavourable, 271; negative, 272; in neurotics, 264; of primitive psyche, 121; withdrawal of, 269

proof, demand for, 401 prophecy, in dreams, 255 Prosper of Aquitaine, 518η protagonists, in dream, 294 Protestant/Protestantism, 59, 156 Proteus anguinus, 152 proton radiation, 460, 527, 528

protozoa, 152 proverb, 331 Providence, 429 psyche, 300, 340 et passim; arrange-

ment of life-processes, 322; biological aspect, 357; = "butterfly," 345; cannot be denied, 348; collective, genesis of, 315; conflict between instinct and will, 183; a conscious-unconscious whole, 200; dependence on physiology, 107; disappearance of portion of, 314; dissociability of, 173/f; a divisible whole, 307; energie aspect of, 233; as epiphenomenon, 342; etymology, 345; and external happenings, 350; falsifies reality, 353; functional systems of, 153; given immediately, 139; whether identical with consciousness, 184, 187, 200; infantile, 51; and "living being," 321; localization of, 347; as machine, 79; mass, 221, 222; and matter, relation, 215, 340; nature of, 323; —, unknown, 409; nothing old in, 393; as object of experience, 6; and the physical, relation, 7, 17/, 505/; presupposes body, 325; primitive, 50; reflection of the material, 342; relation to consciousness, 171; as relatively closed system, 7, 8, 26; self-observation of, 436; a series of images, 325; and space, 531; tendency to split, 121; transcending space and time, 413; unconscious, uniformity of, 110; upper and lower limits, 182/; variability of, 120/; in waking and sleeping state, 306; the world's pivot, 217; see also mind; soul; spirit

psychiatry, and causality, 27 psychic: how defined, 181; energy of

the, 22, 31, see also energy, psychic; events, objective side of, 346; —, reality of, 344; its nature, unconscious, 214; and physical,

relation, 344; and reality, 383/ Psychical Research, Society for, 501 psychization, 115 psychoanalysis, 27, 34/, 49, 363/f,

psycho-galvanic phenomenon, 14, 95 psychogenesis, of spirits of the dead,

and belief in spirits, 364 "psychoid," 176/, 183/, 436, 505, 513 psychokinetic experiment, 434, 523 "psychological," 409 Psychologies of 1930, 343 psychology, child-, 52; Chinese, 489;

experimental, 363; —, first use of term, 161; future task of, 356; has no outside, 223; medical, 281; modern, 357; —, no single, 343; physiological, 363; position in universities, 162; practical, 351; relation to biology, 114; uniqueness of, 125; "with the psyche," 344; "within the psyche," 343; "without the soul/psyche," 338, 343, 344; see also analytical psychology; brain psychology; consciousness; physics

psychopathology, 224/, 349 psychosis(-es), 315, 365; latent, com-

pensation in, 288; mass, 272, 315 psychosomatic phenomena, 232 psychotherapy: and death, 402; prac-

psychotic, under influence of unconscious, 69

Ptah, 379 Ptolemy (the astrologer), 454η puberty, 391 puberty-rites, 374 Pueblo Indians, 347 pulse curve, 14 punctation, art of, 453 purpose, sense of, 241, 243 Purusha, 198, 199


sparks, 190/f; see also soul-spark spear(s), 42; Odin's, 517η species: development of, 176; dif-

ferentiation of, 349; origin of, 340η

spectrum, 187, 211 speculation, 343, 387, 389; tran-

scendental, 429 speech: figures of, 329; lapses of, 13,

71,98, 143, 288 Speiser, Andreas, 486η, 515 Spencer, Β., 44η, 48η, 62η, 63η Spencer, Herbert, 131 sphere, 203 Spielrein, S., 31m spinal cord, 322 Spinoza, B., 136 spirit(s): antithesis with instinct,

207; archetype as, 205/, 216; autonomous complexes, 309; belief in, 101, 301^; —, among masses, 302; —, mental illness and, 305; —, on higher level, 302; —, sources of, 305; of the dead, 155, 330; of early Christianity, 336; the East and, 354; etymology, 329/; evil, 330; —, possession by, 305; extrapsychic existence of, 309η; "guiding," 330; idea of, unpopular, 344; and illness, 370; independent life of, 335; and instinct, as limiting will, 183; intention of the unconscious, 335; limits set by life, 337; and "living being," 327; meaning of term, 54, 300, 320, 329/f; and mind, interchangeable concepts, 326; "new," 330; not absolute, 336; not always dangerous, 315; as personal being, 335; among primitives, 137, 369; projection and, 309; as psychic category, 120; psychogenesis of, 315; and sexuality, 57; sovereignty of, 170; superiority over ego-consciousness, 335; "teachings of the," 317; timeless and immortal, 345; two-faced, 222; see also mind; psyche; soul

spirit of the age, 340, 341, 342 spiritualism, 158, 317, 330; spiritual-

istic communications, 316/; —, phenomena, 320

spiritus mundi, 494 splinter psyches, complexes as, 97, 98 splitting: of personality, 33, 96,

173/; of psyche, 121, 122; see also consciousness

square: in crystals, 503; see also quaternity

stag, 293 stages of life, 387^ standpoints, psychological and real-

istic, 327/ star(s): and astrology, 152; in man,

193; reflected in water, 199 State, philosophy of the, 170 state: anarchic/chaotic, 391; divid-

ed/dualistic, 391; monarchic/ monistic, 391

statistical: analysis, 440η; laws, 229 Stekel, Wilhelm, 427η Stern, L. W., 15 & η stimulus: auditory, 322; and nervous

system, 322; and reaction, 131 stimulus-words, 312/ storms, magnetic, 460, 527 struggle, existence as, 360 style of life, masculine, breakdown

of, 398 subconscious(ness), 164, 168, 177/,

186, 187 subcortical processes, 176 subject: and psychic processes, 173;

unconscious, 165 subject and object: primitive con-

fusion, 154; same thing as both, 428

subjective level, dream interpretation on, 266/f

subjectivity, 390 sublimation(s), 22, 58, 365; forced,

59; a self-deception, 365 "subliminal," 133, 175; processes in

unconscious, 367 substance, and energy, 22 substitute formations, 19




Venus, 455, 461, 528 Veragmh, Otto, 14η, 95 verbal concepts, mistrust of, 319 vertebrates: aquatic, 152; higher,

321; sympathetic system in, 511 view, day-time and night-time, 219 Villa, Guido, 164η violet (colour), representing arche-

type, 211, 212 Virgil, 493 Vischer, F. T., 97 vision: of sun-tube, 151; of Trinity,

211; see also Ezekiel; Nicholas of Fliie; Swedenborg

vitalism, 28 vitality, heightened feeling of, 347 vituperation, 103 voice(s): deepening of, in women,

397; heard by insane, 305, 308; inner, 83; "other," 83, 88/

volatili a, 294 volcano, 443 volition, 142; and attitude, 332; pre-

supposes choosing subject, 183; see also will

Voltaire, 368 voyages, great, 339 Vulpius, Christine, 455η


Wachandi, 42/, 45 Wagner, Richard, 80 wakan, 63 wakonda, 61 walen\walzen, 43 Waley, Arthur, 48671 Wallace, A. R., 302 wand, magic, 517 war: and judgment of enemy, 270;

psychology of, 271; and reactiondreams, 260; World, reason and, 355; see also atom-bomb; Boer War

Warneckc, J., 64η water, in alchemy, 191 wawo, 437η

weather, radio, 460 weaver-bird, 226 wedding, sacred, see hieros gamos Wei Po-yang, 486η well, 293 Weltanschauung, 276, 358^; and at-

titude, 360/; claims to truth, 378; determined by consciousness, 361; purpose of, 361; what is wrong with?, 378

Wên, King, 452 wheat, 155 West, the, and nature, 354 Weyl, Hermann, 502 wheels, 198 White, Stewart Edward, 316, 317 whole, grasping of the, 451 wholeness, 292; conscious, 22572;

preconscious, 225; psychic, 175; —, images of, 457; unconscious, 211

Wilhelm, Hellmut, 527 Wilhelm, Richard, 452η, 486, 487,

488 will, 181/f, 498-971; and attitude, 332;

biological motivation of, 183; as factor determining behaviour, 118/; free or determined, 119; freedom of, and consciousness, 373; and function, 182; and instinct, 132, 134, 200; primitives and, 45; in Schopenhauer, 170; subordination to self, 224; supremacy of, 96; transcendental, 428, 429; in unconscious, 172; unconscious acts of, 173, 174

William of Auvergne, 196 wind, sun-phallus and, 150/ wind-force, 430 Wisdom of Solomon, 191 wise old man, 293 "wish," 517 wish-fantasies, 365 wish-fulfilment, 268, 277, 285; re-

ligion as, 409; theory, 254, 260, 263

wishing-rod, 517 wish-objects, 51772 witches /wizards, 155