The only method that could lead to fairly reliable results at present is the typological method, applied by Kretschmer to the constitution. Consciousness is an interval in a continuous psychic process; it is probably a climax requiring a special physiological effort, therefore it disappears again for a period each day. The existence of the collective unconscious means that individual consciousness is anything but a tabula rasa and is not immune to predetermining influences. Every endeavour has been made to explain the concordance of myth-motifs and symbols as due to migration and tradition; Goblet d Almella's Migration of Symbols is an excellent example of this. While physiological typology is bound to employ essentially scientific methods in order to obtain results, the invisible and non-measurable nature of psychic processes. Research into constitution gives the psychologist an extremely valuable criterion with which he can either eliminate the organic factor when investigating the psychic context, or take it into his calculations.