This chapter explores a representative spectrum of rap artists and their ideas in post-revolutionary Tunisia. Rappers in Tunisia are keen observers of the political scene and the conceptual frameworks at play. Tunisian rappers are all determined to fight a lingering Orwellian atmosphere of constant spying and distrust. Global politics and the relation of the West with Islam is a favorite theme in Tunisian rap. Many rappers have demonstrated a heightened awareness of the global political scene where the demonization of Islam, or Islamophobia, has outstripped other forms of racism. Religiously conscious rappers often imbricate the notions of Islam and Islamism, stressing the need to forge an Islamic identity through an Islamist political agenda that includes a critique of the excesses of modernity, of authoritarian governments, and socioeconomic inequities. 'Manipulation' is a notorious for its scathing attacks against intellectuals, artists and satellite channels, which the artist accuses of spreading immorality and despondency in Tunisian society.