This chapter suggests that Dao is habit or the functioning of collectivized habit in society-and, for cosmic progressivists like Charles Sanders Peirce, the functioning of collectivized habit in everything by following Ames and Hall themselves. It explores that Ritva Hartama-Heinonen frequently ignores the tension between habit and surprise, and instead focuses on surprise alone, and so comes very close to traditional mystical conceptions of the Dao as another kind of mysterious and unknowable force. Hartama-Heinonen starts the semiotic clock late: misses the key creative moment in which the sign is established by the community for effective interpretation by individual interpreters. The chapter discusses that experienced translators slow the process down even without alarm bells, thinking consciously about the analytical contours of the source text and transfer context without an overt problem to be solved. Finally, it also presents some closing thoughts on the concepts covered in the preceding chapters of this book.