A key finding impacting on the organisation's feedback/feed forward protocols was that building performance energy simulation (BPES) tools should be embedded in the design process. As construction SMEs and micros look forward from the last project to the next, reviewing project feedback, business models and seeking operational efficiencies may be key threads of enquiry. The SME and micro end of the construction industry spectrum, the argument is a central driver for raising awareness of the need to review business models, innovate as appropriate and engage with Building information modeling (BIM). Building users need to be involved in BIM processes which may impact on post-occupancy outcomes. As a protocol to frame the use of digital data during post-occupancy building management, PAS 1192-3 sits within the PAS 1192 suite of reference documents. PAS 1192-3 cross-refers with the BS ISO 55000 series of standards and the earlier PAS 55-1 and PAS 55-2.