The early ideas of the isotopy disjunction model (IDM) originated in Europe in the 1960s in the work of Algirdas Julien Greimas, a semiotician of structuralist orientation. His theory of the narrative and concept of isotopy inspired and influenced many scholars in structural semantics. Greimas is credited with proposing the foundations of the model when he described the structure of jokes in his book Semantique structurale. In the first of these configurations, the disjunctor appears before the connector instead of being placed after or coinciding with ambiguous element, while in the second one two ambiguous elements are present, each of which functions both as a connector and a disjunctor. The disjunctor "obesity" appears in the first part of the headline, whereas the connector "larger" appears in the second part, following the disjunctor. What Priego-Valverde adds to the discussion of the IDM is explanation of disjunctor, which is that it allows refreshing of the second isotopy without cancelling the first one.