This chapter works with two types of 3D objects. One a custom-built city and roadway created in Photoshop and the other a starship built in LightWave 3D. From first appearance, the scene look sophisticated but it is easier than people think. The sophisticated look come from the help of photographic illumination maps used on very simple shapes. By combining those shapes, they give the impression that the scene was built using lots of 3D detail. Let's begin by importing a textured LightWave model and add more details by painting onto it in Photoshop. In the 3D panel, people see a series of 3D objects and materials that were created in LightWave 3D. Photoshop has imported in such a way that it has divided the model into parts. This is going to be a common challenge when importing 3D objects from third-party programs, but a procedure to consolidate the geometry.