To provide a schematic summary of what I have said thus far, we can break down the various affects according to the different structural effects from which they derive. The variety of affects corresponds to the variety of effects, the first effect being that of negativization, which brings about lack in being, lack in enjoying, and lack in knowing 1 – to which correspond, in order, the passions for being and the affects related to castration. The latter are varied, running the gamut from impotence to horror. In addition, there are the affects that are tied not to what is lacking, but to what there is: the auxiliary (supplétives) jouissances – phallic jouissance, the jouissance that meaning brings, and the jouissance that symptoms supply – which always leave us dissatisfied. In each of these cases, it is always the body as affected by language that has repercussions that take the form of subjective affects; the latter depend, nevertheless, both on the discourse of the historical period and on the subject's ethics.