This chapter focuses on a study of written feedback post dramatherapy intervention for children and young people with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) provided by parent/careers and teachers. It also focuses on an interview study, which was conducted with relevant stake holders to facilitate a deeper understanding of the impact of dramatherapy on children, families and schools. Some themes emerged from the data, encompassing using a predictable structure to lessen anxiety and facilitate exploring feelings; using role play and participation to develop confidence, peer relationships and social skills; and supporting the whole system around a child, including families and schools. Roundabout is a dramatherapy charity comprising a large team of professional Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) registered dramatherapists working in over fifty weekly projects with a range of service users of all ages. The evaluation of Roundabout dramatherapy projects takes a number of forms depending on what is accessible to the service users.