Every project event team should conduct a feas ib il ity study prior to any sort of implement a tion phase of an event. The feas ib il ity study should access and research key elements of the project such as funds and budget, staffi ng, market ing and of course poten tial suppli ers. A supplier is a person and/or organ isa tion which supplies a resource to an event. This resource can be a blend of both goods and services (O’Toole and Mikolaitis, 2002). Visitors to an event may indulge in food and drink, buy a piece of merchandise, or enjoy the live entertainment; without the effi cient oper a tion and manage ment of supply chains none of this would be possible. A supply chain can be viewed as the pathway in which that resource is supplied. According to Bozarth, Handfield and Chandiran, (2013, 499), a supply chain is ‘A network of manu fac tur ers and service providers that work together to create products or services needed by end users. These manu fac tur ers and service providers are linked together through phys ical flows, inform a tion flows and monet ary flows.’