This chapter describes how the clinician recognizes and addresses the child's avoidance mechanisms. By demonstrating sensitivity to the child's avoidance of unpleasant emotions. The RFP-C clinician must exhibit a respectful demeanor and be ready to play and chat about everyday activities with the child and listen for emotionally salient themes. An important diagnostic issue with six-year-old Betty, who came for therapy because of disruptive behaviors, involved her capacities to relate and to interact. Betty's problems began with the birth of a younger sister when she was three. During the evaluation, it became clear that her maladaptive social responses were defensive responses and at least not solely due to social or cognitive deficits. With supportive interventions attempt to curb the child's emotional reactions. This chapter concludes with overview of techniques utilized in Regulation-Focused Psychotherapy (RFP-C), including the intermingling of supportive interventions by the clinician while addressing the child's avoidant mechanisms.