234 employment by the United States would be the most important economic advance that could happen in the whole world and to the benefit of the whole world. In solving, as they only and only in their own way can solve, the "baffling problems" of their home economy, more than by the most generous outpouring of gifts or loans, the American people can confer immeasurable benefits on all mankind. Full employment in the United States can be combined with preservation in full of all the citizen liberties which all Englishspeaking peoples hold to be essential. Full employment, on the view taken here, can be attained while leaving the actual conduct of industry in private hands, if that course commends itself. Full employment, finally, is attainable by several different routes. The route suggested for Britain in this Report is not likely to be that which would best suit the United States, with her sparser population, her higher standard of capital equipment and her different structure of Government. Each country must work out its own full employment policy, but no great country should be without one. No great country should submit to defeat by unemployment.