We are concerned here with a number of issues related to the provi sion and organ isa tion of legal services, and issues of public access to legal services. The deliv ery of legal services today looks very differ ent from the way things were as recently as 1990. The legal profession has under gone a series of major changes as a result of the Courts and Legal Services Act (CLSA) 1990; the provi sion of public funding, advice and assist ance has been drastic ally altered as a result of changes intro duced in 1999; and the Legal Services Act 2007. The intro duc tion of the ‘condi tional fee arrange ment’ (no win, no fee) in 1995 was another conten tious issue in this area. In the 1950s, only a minute propor tion of the popu la tion used lawyers to solve prob lems. Now, in the twenty-first century, a great many indi vidu als, small busi nesses and organ isa tions are using lawyers often as a matter of course.