The students naturally regarded themselves as the main purpose of the School, if not the only purpose. In order to get the most from the School that had to solve a number of problems. The first Commemoration Week was held in 1922 and the first orator was H. H. Asquith. The Commemoration meeting which should have been addressed by Lord Cave in June 1923 was replaced by an even grander affair -a Mansion House Luncheon to celebrate first three years of Commerce Degree. The most popular and successful of our Oration Days came in 1928, when the Annual Report, instead of being read by, 'submitted in silence' and there was no Oration at all. 'The possible connection between periods of national greatness and outbursts of literary energy was suggested but fairly conclusively denied by Sir William Beveridge'. So affair was recorded by a student now holds an important place in the organization of the National Health Service.