Kazakh verbs distinguish the categories of tense, person, number, aspect, mood and voice which are indicated by suffixes. The verbal stem may at the same time serve as the second-person singular imperative. The verb stem may be expanded by the passive suffixes, causative suffixes or the negation suffix. Agreement suffixes indicating person and number appear as the final element of a finite verb form. Finite verbs take on agreement suffixes of two types: pronominal and possessive. Kazakh grammaticizes indirectivity in the verbal system. The indirective past expresses eyewitnessed events in the past or the conclusion from the result of an event that the speaker could see. The accusative suffix indicates whether the direct object is definite or nondefinite. The accusative suffix has six allomorphs. Adjectives modify the noun. Kazakh makes little formal distinction between nouns and adjectives. Temporal adverbs specify location in time, duration, frequency and time spans.