Indefinites refer to unspecific people, things, places and amounts. They are words like someone, anyone, something, anything, somewhere, anywhere, every, all. They can be pronouns or adjectives and sometimes both. Qualcosa something is normally masculine and invariable. It is always used with a singular verb. Qualcuno someone/somebody is invariable and always used with a singular verb, although it often refers to plural persons. Niente and nulla are masculine and invariable. The pronoun nessuno no one/nobody is always singular, even when referring to more than one person or object, but its gender may change to agree with the noun referred to. Ognuno and ciascuno are always singular but their gender changes to agree with the noun referred to. Although ognuno and ciascuno are often used interchangeably, ciascuno is preferred in distributive or partitive constructions. Ogni, qualche and ciascuno all precede the noun they modify. Ogni and qualche are invariable and widely used in speech.