A pronoun is a word which stands in place of nouns or noun phrases. Personal pronouns are used to substitute the names of people or things. The main categories are: subject, object (direct and indirect), disjunctive and reflexive. In English personal pronouns include I, me, you, he, him, she, her, it, we, us, they, them. Subject pronouns refer to the subject of a sentence. In Italian subject pronouns are less frequently used than in English. Reflexive pronouns are used with certain verbs mainly to indicate an action that a person does to himself/herself, e.g. lavarsito wash oneself. The three reciprocal pronouns ci, vi and si are plural only, because they denote reciprocal actions, i.e. actions people do to each other. Direct object pronouns (DO) replace direct noun or noun phrase objects. To understand which object pronoun to use, it is necessary to be able to identify the nouns they replace.