This chapter offers a detailed account of Supporters Direct as a European project and explains in depth the broader social context of its formation. In summary, the European Social Model that took root under social democracies in an era marked by tendencies towards decommodification gave way to 'liberalisation' policies that would affect economic and social life in Europe. From the above evidence it would appear that this stripping away is occurring in various ways and at various speeds across Europe. Arnaut's report, The Independent European Sports Review (IESR), presented a series of recommendations aimed at curbing and controlling the commercial 'excesses', which have been viewed as bringing professional football in Europe into disrepute. Indeed, it can be argued in this respect that Supporters Direct Europe in its role as a facilitator of greater supporter and communal involvement in football clubs through football trusts provides the impulse to deepen and extend relations of commodification between supporter / community and club.