Greenwich Millennium Village (GMV) was selected as a best practice case study because it is an excellent example of a mixed-use, brownfield redevelopment project situated in a location well served by transit with limited through-car traffic and strict parking restrictions. GMV is located on the Greenwich Peninsula, a 300-acre brownfield redevelopment site formerly occupied by the town gasworks, on the southern banks of the River Thames in southeast London, about five miles from London city center. The London congestion charge is a fee for motorists traveling within the congestion charge zone of London. In 1997, English Partnerships launched a competition to design and build Greenwich Millennium Village, the first community in the Millennium Communities Program. Transport for London (TfL), which reviewed the plan, supports this reduction in parking provision as being in line with the London Plan standards. The proposed parking plan for the new development also includes disabled parking, spaces for carsharing vehicles and electric vehicle charging stations.