This chapter describes the term 'a pedagogy of praxis', a teaching approach that occurred within the participatory action research (PAR) project. It foregrounds the PAR curriculum and instructional practices, and applies the framework of a pedagogy of praxis as a way to understand the PAR curriculum and pedagogy. The key themes discussed in the chapter include the motivations for youth involvement, empowering marginalized young people and supporting youth voice, and honoring the expertise of young people regarding their communities and experiences. In this pedagogy of praxis approach, young people are engaged in praxis, connecting theory and action. One of the key components of the PAR process with young people as a teaching strategy is to bolster student voice, which aligns with the pedagogy of praxis framework. In the PAR process with young people, student participation and active learning are promoted through an interactive process in which young people's ideas are supported through structured, curriculum activities.