This chapter focuses on multilevel mediational models in which individual well-being and performance are hypothesized to mediate the relationship between antecedents and outcomes of interest, both measured at the supra-individual level. It focuses on the methodological challenges involved in researching the multilevel mediational processes underpinning so-called 2-1-2 explanatory models where the effects of a set of explanatory variables X on a dependent outcome variable Y all measured at the supra-individual level, are fully or partially explained by a mediating variable Z measured at the lower individual level. The chapter addresses the gap relating to analytical methods available for multilevel mediational analysis of bathtub type models. It approaches suggested by Croon and van Veldhoven for analyzing a group-level variable from variables measured at the individual level to multilevel mediation situations. The chapter investigates two different approaches for analyzing data coming from a 2-1-2 study.