The founding of Dreaming New Mexico (DNM) food and farming initiative, by the Santa Fe-based Bioneers organisation and national conference, has been a key advance in counteracting the effects of this blinkered approach in that American state. It has 22 sovereign nations within its borders, each drawing on the legacies of indigenous and Hispanic peoples representing the majority of New Mexico's populations. In the late 1950s, before he took his doctorate in biological anthropology, Peter Warshall was an attendee at Camp Rising Sun, an American summer programme promoting cross-cultural interaction and responsible leadership. DNM close scrutiny of the food and farming sectors of New Mexico's agro-eco region's examined food and value chains for existing and new crops; the potential for new foodsheds to play a role in the local economy; and the region's cultural legacy in terms of its cuisines and foods, its food insecurity and its poor nutritional health.