American Countries 1970 56 2.7 Percentage of the Population Living in Urban Areas

in Some Latin American Countries 1975 56 2.8 Extension of Soils in Haiti According to the OAS

Classifications 58 2.9 Topographical Characteristics of Haiti 59 2.10 Some Estimates of the Arable Area 59 2.11 Rural Population in Relation to Arable Area in Some

Caribbean and Central American Countries 60 2.12 Agricultural Implements in the Marbial Valley in the

Late 1940s 63 2.13 Seasonal Distribution of Rainfall in Port-au-Prince 64 2.14 Female Participation in the Labor Force 72 2.15 Occupational Distribution of the Labor Force 1950

and 1971 75 2.16 Land/Man Ratios in Latin American Agriculture 76 2.17 Yields per Hectare for Selected Crops 1972 80 A2.1 Distribution of the Agricultural Labor Force 1950 88 3.1 Underdeveloped Countries with Declining Real

Per Capita Incomes 1950-74 98 3.2 Underdeveloped Countries with Declining Food

Production Per Capita 1961-74 99 3.3 Real Gross Domestic Product Per Capita

1954/55-1971/72 103 3.4 Real Agricultural Product Per Capita of Total

Population 1954/55-1971/72 104 3.5 Production per Rural Inhabitant of Some Important

Crops in 1950 and 1970 105 3.6 Surveys of Average Daily Outlay on Food in Rural

Areas 1957-65 107 3.7 Malnutrition among Preschool Children 1958 and

1974/75 108

3.8 Malnutrition among Preschool Children 1964/65 and 1974/75 109

4.1 Categories of Peasant Products in Haiti 126 4.2 Estimates of the Marketed Percentage of Selected

Peasant Crops 126 4.3 Number of Coffee Speculators and Volume of Coffee

Sold by District 1972-3 135 4.4 The Degree of Concentration among Coffee Exporters 138 4.5 Relative Positions of Leading Coffee Exporters 138 4.6 Shares in Lo.b. Prices of Haitian Coffee 1950-7 and

1964-70 140 4.7 Distribution of Returns on Coffee Exports 1975-6 142 4.8 Margins in Vegetable Marketing 154 A4.1 The Transport Sector 1952-73 182 5.1 The Population of Saint-Domingue 1775-89 190 5.2 Projection of the Haitian Population 1970-85 192 5.3 Natural Growth Rate of the Haitian Population

1824-1973 193 5.4 Mahogany Exports 1835-64 197 5.5 Logwood Exports 1818-1952 197 5.6 Consumption of Wood for Fuel Purposes 1953 and 1968 199 5.7 Oil Price Increases 1965-74 202 5.8 Production of Selected Agricultural Products 1950-70 206 5.9 Production of S5!lected Agricultural Products 1950-72 206 5.10 Estimates of Good Arable Soil 1938-70 212 5.11 F.o.b. Prices and Prices to Producer of Haitian Raw

Sisal 1951/52-1972/73 217 5.12 International Cocoa Prices 1950/51-1971/72 217 5.13 Price Indices for Port-au-Prince for Some Important

Subsistence Crops 1953-71 219 A5.1.1 Labor Requirements per Hectare for Selected Crops

with Traditional Techniques 236 6.1 Saint-Domingue Exports of Four Agricultural Products

1789 and 1795 260 6.2 Exports of Four Agricultural Products in 1802 and 1804 262 6.3 The Establishment of American-owned Plantations in

Haiti 1915-27 267 6.4 Average f.o.b. Price of Raw Sisal 1929/30-1951/52 284 7.1 Expenditures of the Department of Agriculture

1922/23-1929/30 301 7.2 Expenditures of the Department of Agriculture

1930/31-1940/41 304

7.3 Expenditures of the Department of Agriculture 1941/42-1945/46 305

7.4 Expenditures of the Department of Agriculture 1946/47-1949/50 306

7.6 Planned and Realized Expenditure in the Agricultural Sector Development Plans (1968/69-1970/71) 312

7.7 Planned and Realized Public Investments in the Agricultural Sector 1971/72-1973/74 313

8.1 Estimated Annual Rate of Increase in Money Supply 1843-69 368

8.2 Amount of Cash Balance at the End of Fiscal Years 1924-30 371

8.3 The Haitian Public Debt 193846 374 8.4 Percentage of Public Expenditure Going to the Armed

Forces 1933/34-1949/50 380 8.5 Percentage of Budget Expenditures Going to the Armed

Forces and to the Department of the Interior 1950/51-1956/57 381

8.6 Government Spending on Army and Police 1960-7 382 8.7 Wages and Salaries Expenditures of the Service

Technique 1925/26-1929/30 384 8.8 Wages and Salaries Expenditures of the Service National

de la Production Agricole et de l'Enseignement Rural 1933/34-1939/40 385

8.9 Wages and Salaries Expenditures of the Haitian Government 1959/60-1971/72 386

8.10 The Shares of Import and Export Duties in Public Revenues 1837-1957 393

8.11 The Shares of Import and Export Duties in Fiscal Revenues 1959/60-1970/71 394

8.12 Coffee Export Taxes in Percent of Peasants' Potential Coffee Incomes 1964-71 397

A8.1 Total Government Expenditure 1922/23-1951/52 404 A8.2 Total Government Expenditure 1952/53-1971/72 405 A8.3 Real Government Expenditure Per Capita 406 A8.4 Total Government Expenditure in Percent of GDP

in Central America and the Caribbean 1970-4 406 9.1 Weight of Preschool Children in Fond-Parisien,

June 1964 414 9.2 Surveys of Average Daily Calorie and Protein Intakes

in Rural Areas 1951-65 418

9.3 Public Health Facilities in 1952 and 1973 429 9.4 Percentage of Physicians Graduated in Haiti 1928-68

Practising Abroad 430 10.1 Financial Aspects of the Haitian School System 1924-9 468 10.2 Rural Primary Education 1933-46 470 10.3 Rural Primary Education 1959-71 476 10.4 Adult Alphabetization 1961-6 477 10.5 Official Illiteracy Estimates for 1950 and 1971 478 10.6 Rural Primary Education 1971-5 479 10.7 Enrolment by Grade in Public Rural Primary Schools

1974-5 492 11.1 Some Reasons for Indebtedness in the Marbial Valley

in the Late 1940s 510 11.2 Maximum Interest Rates that Borrowers May Be

Willing to Pay 518 11.3 Estimates of Interest Rates that Lenders Would Have

to Charge to Compensate for Defaults 525 11.4 Amounts Loaned under the IDAI Supervised Credit

Program 1962-73 538 11.5 Authorized and Advanced Credits under the IDAI

Supervised Lending Scheme, 1968-73 539 11.6 The Costs of Technical Assistance under the IDAI

Supervised Credit Scheme 1972-3 550 12.1 Unit Values of US Coffee Imports 1821-1914 565 E.l Estimated Legal Migration from Haiti to Cuba

1915-29 625 E.2 Increase in Urban Population 1950-61 629 E.3 Increase in Urban Population 1950-71 630 E.4 Population and Growth Rates for Selected Caribbean

and South American Cities 631 E.5 Increase in Active Population 1950-71 634 E.6 Absorption of Labor outside the Agricultural Sector

1950-71 634