For we do not consider it at all desirable for psycho-analysis to be swallowed up by medicine and to find its last resting-place in a textbook of psychiatry under the heading 'Methods of Treatment', alongside of

procedures such as hypnotic suggestion, autosuggestion and persuasion .... It deserves a better fate and it may be hoped, will meet with one. As a 'depth-psychology', a theory of the mental unconscious, it can become indispensible to all the sciences which are concerned with the evolution of human civilization and its major institutions such as art, religion, and the social order. 7

Obviously, adequate personal adjustment does not depend upon following certain motivations and eschewing others. The correlation is in a different direction. Just as those are favoured whose congenial responses are closest to that behaviour which characterizes their society, so those are disoriented whose responses fall in that arc of behaviour which is not capitalized by their culture. These abnormals are those who are not supported by the institutions of their civilization. They are the exceptions who have not easily taken the traditional forms of their culture.