This chapter explores how citizenship education in this present oriented mode can help young Muslims become informed and both transformed by and transformative of the civic and political worlds that they inhabit, especially those characterised as liberal democracies. It then indicates how citizenship education can help them successfully to negotiate a range of potentially dichotomised, Manichean socio-political positions and move successfully towards critically integrated, 'both/and' rather than 'either/or', approaches to their social and political lives in contemporary, multi-faith society. The chapter also argues that these positions, which it characterize as positions of civic unity in diversity, will enable young Muslims both to participate in and transform shared public cultures and to be more authentically and seriously Islamic. The structure of the chapter will follow the dialectical critical realist schema MELD. Finally, the chapter also explains the four different levels:1M (First Moment identity in difference), 2E (Second Edge absence), 3L (Third Level totality), 4D (Fourth Dimension transformative praxis).