On the verge of pulling the financial plug on her expatriate, lesbian lifestyle, Natalie Clifford Barney's wealthy father, Albert Clifford Barney, had a heart attack in 1900. This chapter points out the interplay of feminist geography within feminist criticism in general, define the uses of plural geocritical approaches. Barney's Academie de Femmes, and the transposition of her salon space to the written page in Aventures de l'esprit, a project which confounds geospace with literary space, all the while promoting women's writing. A first important argument is to acknowledge that, even in the twenty-first century, literary critics and geographers alike continue to claim the need for research on and activism regarding women's issues. A mental map is the "cartographic expression of a subjective representation of space". The map of the salon at the Temple a l'Amitie situates real people within the real walls and geospaces of 20 rue Jacob. Barney's geocritical act of mapping the salon, the map has been underexploited.