The purpose of marriage, of a committed, ultimately monogamous, intimate love relationship is to force and foster the development of the undeveloped, originally projected aspects of both personalities. Being in romantic love, is a delusional state in a normal, healthy human being. It is based 90 + ″ on projection of one’s own inner idealized version of one’s undeveloped, unlived contrasexual side. Being in love is a possessed state. That is, normal ego consciousness is nowhere around. People get addicted to this intoxicant. Our society, via Hollywood and Madison Avenue, endorses this addiction as part of the Peter Pan ethic. Most people get married in this possessed state. They then must suffer horrible feelings of betrayal when the ‘honeymoon is over’. If there is enough glue of any kind to hold them together, and if both are willing to ‘grow up’, the possibility of developing a love relationship exists.