In this chapter, we present a theor et ical model of atten tional processes involved in the self-regu la tion of emotion. The model is inten ded to account for the attentional phenom ena discussed in previ ous chapters and offers an integ rat ive account of cognit ive-atten tional processes involved in the devel op ment and main ten ance of emotional disorders. First, we offer a brief over view of the link between self-focused atten tion and emotional distress and then we present a detailed inform a tion-processing model of the cognit ive-atten tional syndrome under ly ing this asso ci ation. Then we consider the applic a tion of the model to explain ing the aeti ology of negat ive emotion, the roles of distrac tion and attention train ing in therapy, and the explan a tion of exper i ment ally observed biases in processing emotional stimuli.