This chapter elaborates, the development of substance use treatment to include Harm Reduction Therapy, and the growth of relational psychoanalysis have brought the philosophies of these two fields closer together, increasing flexibility and openness in treatment in both. Relational psychoanalysis today encompasses and emphasizes relationships between the individual and others in current life and history, both real and those carried in mind, as well as relationships between the person's various aspects of character. The therapy is based on a two-person model in which both the therapist and patient are recognized to be fully functioning, active participants who bring their own dynamics together to create a partnership through which the therapeutic action takes place. Cognitive-behavioral techniques are utilized to change behaviors and thinking patterns around them. Moderation Management (MM) is a program and national support group network for people concerned about their drinking. MM empowers individuals to accept personal responsibility for choosing and maintaining their own path, whether moderation or abstinence.