Behaviour management is a key issue in schools and has been high on government agendas since 1988 when the Elton Report Discipline in Schools was commissioned by the Department of Education and Science. Department of Education(DfE) claimed that a very common reason experienced teachers have for leaving teaching is inappropriate behaviour by pupils. The effect of inappropriate behaviour on pupils is very important. Inappropriate behaviour prevents the perpetrator from learning as well as impacting on the learning of others in a negative way. Head teachers were reported to employ two strategies to avoid inspectors observing inappropriate behaviour, first, suspending badly behaved pupils during inspections and second, appointing supply teachers. The current state of behaviour in schools is unknown because it is based on the subjective views of teachers based on their anecdotes and experiences. Low level disruption was identified as the most persistent form of inappropriate behaviour in the Elton Report and office for standards in education(Ofsted).