By way of a conclu sion, the text offers an exam in a tion of the promissory nature of creativ ity. Without falling into the trap of univer sally celeb rat ing and fetish is ing creativ ity discus sion draws together the key tensions and debates that have worked through out the text. As this text has argued from the outset, attend ing to the crit ical geograph ies of creativ ity enables us to under stand and poten tially to mobil ise the promise that creativ ity might offer us the means, indi vidually and collect ively, to live differ ently. Such crit ical geograph ies of creativ ity have, through out this text, formed the means to find product ive ways through the challenges posed by an expan ded field of creativ ity, ways that let us explore and engage the potentialities of creativ ity, while acknow ledging the tensions and challenges within this diversity.