One of the most neglected aspects of Photoshop has been the ability to write scripts that automate the program. For most of us, the prospect of writing scripts is quite scary and I freely confess I am one of those who has looked at the scripting manuals and simply shuddered at the prospect of having to learn computer code. Steps have been taken though to make scripting more accessible to the general user. You can start by referring to the Photoshop Scripting Guide and other PDF documents about scripting that can all be found at: www. adobe.com/devnet/photoshop/scripting.html. You can also download pre-made scripts from the Adobe Add-ons website: creative.adobe.com/addons. To start with, go to the Scripts menu in the Photoshop File menu (Figure 11.14). There you will see a few sample Scripts that are readily available to experiment with. Among these is a script called ‘Export Layers to Files’ (Figure 11.15). This can be used to generate separate file documents from a multi-layered image. Other scripts I like to use include the Load Files into Stack…, which I find useful when preparing images for stacks image processing or before choosing Edit ➯ Auto-Align layers.