Chapter 10: Conclusions: Lessons from the Past for the Future, a big picture perspective of what can be gained through considering the range of ideas proposed and discussed throughout the book. Special emphasis is given to the sociological approach that people are part of the environment and the notion that cultural heritage and natural heritage can only be understood and maintained holistically in relation to each other. We recognize that what we have presented in Merge is not the quick fix or the final say in what humans need to achieve in order to cease destroying the planet and the ecological systems on it. While environmental destruction is taking place at a rate where humans will cause their own demise in a relatively short amount of time, we must also recognize that our present predicament came about over many generations. And considering our current collective reaction to addressing environmental degradation issues, which varies greatly based on nation-based priorities, place on the political spectrum, down through individual level of education and values, we have only just begun to respond. Therefore, our wish is that Sustainable Heritage will bring about some form of significant next step in motivating people to eliminate dualistic thinking of natural conservation vs. heritage preservation, and that we look forward to the next cadre of thinkers and practitioners who will build off the foundation of ideas established here.