This chapter shows that in the early 2000s, there was far more room for national services or services that expanded operations country by country. The main arguments for their need was based on the idea of the importance of national languages in use, as well as the idea of better service with cultural understanding of local conditions. Weblogs had gained popularity in Finland during 2003. Until then, it was uncommon for most people to write or even read weblogs. The blog platform Vuodatus was established in summer 2004 by Tuomas Rinta. The most popular topics of blog posts were handicrafts and cooking. Nonetheless, during the same year, the administration system of Vuodatus underwent a reformation. The popularity of blogs grew moderately in 2006, but at the same time, the concept of microblogging emerged. The popularization spread as the localization of major international platforms such as Facebook and Twitter narrowed national operating spaces.