One of the ultimate goals of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) is to encourage clients to serve as their own therapists after formal therapy has come to an end. Therapists have not fully done their jobs of they have not taught them a self-change methodology. The central task as an REBT therapist is to introduce the concept of self-help into therapy and systematically to help your clients to acquire REBT self-help skills. Therapists can formally and deliberately teach your clients such REBT skills as: using a variety of self-help forms, identifying clinically relevant aspects of negative activating events, discriminating keenly between their rational beliefs and their irrational beliefs, and challenging and changing in a vigorous manner their irrational beliefs. As soon as you can, introduce the concept of self-help into REBT and teach your clients the skills of REBT self-help therapy in a structured and deliberate manner.