Introduction Up to this chapter, most of the photo graphic case studies I have been cover ing have involved photo graphy in relat ively simple light ing conditions. That is, ambient light is often readily avail able in the form of sunlight (photo graph ing during the daytime) or through arti fi cial means in the form of street or interior light ing. Using a camera set on “typical”

settings, photo graphy in these circum stances would tend to focus more on issues of compos i tion and framing. However, once we consider photo graphy in condi tions where the light (natural or other wise) is not optimal, there exist other issues that need to be taken into consid er a tion. In this chapter I will be looking at how we might photo graph our informants and their spaces in chal len ging, non-optimal light ing condi tions. Originally conceived as a chapter on night photo graphy, I have chosen to expand this to include other envir on ments in which similar prin ciples apply. It is import ant to note, however, that the prin ciples covered in this chapter can be applied to many other condi tions, espe cially when it comes to mixed light ing situ ations, or when you want to achieve a particu lar effect on an indi vidual (see Chapter 12 on ethics).