Following the pattern previously described with the reference pronouns in 10.10, the contrastive pronouns of the first and second persons (i.e. mimi/sisi “I/we”, wewe/ninyi “you/you all”) may be combined with the contrastive/evocative verb ndi-/si- “be/not be”. The combination with the contrastive/evocative verb ndi- gives the forms ndi mi, ndi we, ndi si, and ndi nyi, which corresponds to “this is me/you/us/you all” or “I am/we/you are/the one(s) who”. The combination with its negative counterpart si- gives si mi, si we, si nyi, meaning “this is not me/you/you all”, or “I am/you are not the one(s) who”. As a note, sisi “us” does not combine with si-, as the result would be identical to the simple form sisi.