This chapter describes the development of an instrument, assessing massive open online course (MOOC) pedagogies (AMP), which characterizes the pedagogical approaches taken by individual MOOCs along few dimensions. It focuses on the pedagogical characteristics and the different patterns which distinguish unique pedagogical approaches. Each perspective leads to different pedagogical approaches instructionists focus on instruction, instructional materials, and absolute goals, whereas constructivists focus on learning and the integration of learners' goals, experiences, and abilities into their learning experiences. The development of the AMP tool began with work conducted by the American Council on Education's College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT) to review MOOCs for college credits. The focus of AMP instrument is on characterizing the pedagogies employed in MOOCs. Preliminary research suggests that the AMP tool can be used to distinguish between MOOC pedagogical approaches, and that it can do so with high consistency among raters.