This chapter looks ahead to the year 2030 and considers the ways in which current visions of massive open online courses may develop into realities. It also looks at the changes in pedagogy, technology, and the wider environment that will be necessary in order for them to flourish. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are a form of technology-enhanced learning (TEL). The first MOOCs, known as "connectivist MOOCs (cMOOCs)", were developed as collections of online resources for individuals to develop skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to thrive in a digital economy. MOOCs emerged from universities, where academics had the time and resources to develop them, but this may not prove to be their natural habitat. There are many technological changes under development that will impact on MOOCs and open education in general. MOOCs represent an international form of education, so the credits that can be gained should be recognised worldwide.