The award-winning 'I Love Earth' project created change on both a local and global scale as classrooms from all over the world visited their webpage and began to take the pledge to change how they used paper in their classrooms. Write Our World (WOW) is a globally collaborative project where classrooms across the world participate in writing stories that address social concerns such as childhood obesity and bullying. The writing project, WOW, sparked yet another global project that required research, collaboration, and communication with students from around the world in a social empathy project. The ICAP rotations were implemented during social empathy project to facilitate efficient learning experiences and task completion. Student brochure for the heart code project had to research culture, resources, and ideas in several places of the world. Once Student sets a goal, they also make it measurable and set a time line. Student committed to accomplishing the goals through thoughtful collaboration, communication, and fearless determination.