In 2010, the European Expert Group on Sexuality Education released the Standards for sexuality education in Europe (SFSEE) and, under the auspices of the World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, and the German Federal Centre for Health Promotion (BZgA), developed a definition of sexuality education as “learning about the cognitive, emotional, social, interactive and physical aspects of sexuality. Sexuality education starts early in childhood and progresses through adolescence and adulthood. It aims at supporting and protecting sexual development. It gradually equips and empowers children and young people with information, skills and positive values to understand and

enjoy their sexuality, have safe and fulfilling relationships and take responsibility for their own and other people’s sexual health and well-being” (WHO, 2010, p. 20). This definition was the result of a thinking exercise among European experts, in order to create a holistic concept of sexuality education. Sexuality and sexual health are considered a normative and positive human ability, and source of growth, satisfaction, and pleasure. The need for knowledge and skills to maintain and nuture health, rights, and emergent responsibilities are also important.