The entertainment industry is unique. In the early days until just few decades ago, studios used to defer determining their promotional and distribution strategies until after each movie was in the can, leaving this critical last leg of the journey to be handed off to a whole new fleet of strangers — from totally different studio departments — brand new to the project. Analogous to movie studio franchises, adaptations, prequels, sequels and spin-offs, it's all about audience awareness and brand recognition — somehow making a din to get a new project on mass audience's radar. A limited series is defined as a show that is viewed in two or more episodes, totaling at least 150 minutes of run time, with self-contained, non-recurring story, airing under the same title each season, with production team continuity. In reality Television (TV), a "format" can be intellectual property asset that can be protected, sold and replicated in other territories — like Got Talent franchise.