Discussions about forgiveness can be found throughout various disciplines and considered in light of its cultural, political, spiritual and collective context. As could be expected, there are similarities and differences, both in philosophy and practical approach. According to interviewees, the actions of the Inter-Religious Council of Sierra Leone (IRCSL) modelled constructs of forgiveness through their participation in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC),wil be discussed. Fornah Usman, a minister and IRCSL member, said the following: Civil society and government respected the IRCSL for speaking out for 'repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation'. Reintegration and reconciliation between government and armed groups were to begin with a commitment to cease physical violence, the goal being to restore cooperative working relationships and trust between parties. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) initiated the Child Advocacy and Rehabilitation Programme (CAR), which identified hindrances to reintegration for former child soldiers.