The development of a lighting design proposal involves bringing together the variety of perception-based lighting concepts into a balance that relates to the design objectives specific to the location. This chapter introduces a flowchart linking the lighting concepts to metrics and procedures. Where the procedures involves calculations, their purpose is seen to be to increase the designer's level of confidence that the design objectives, stated in terms of perception-based concepts. The ambient Illumination spreadsheet is a useful tool for the first stage of linking a vision to a luminaire layout. The concept of illumination hierarchy provides controlled distributions of illumination, and for the lumen dumper, the solution would be to nominate the work plane as the target and to work towards a suitable target/ambient illumination ratio (TAIR). If high levels of target illumination are to be applied, then keeping TAIR down to modest values will have the effect of ensuring appropriately high levels of mean room surface exitance (MRSE).