The air outside had been baking all day from the sweltering August heat in California’s Central Valley. Stockton, California, is not a city full of glitz and glamor, and rarely makes national headline news. In the building that housed Fathers and Families of San Joaquin (FFSJ), the cool air drapes over you, and washes away the heat and welcomes you with open arms. Perhaps it was the hugs, smiles, and genuine sense of community that made us feel like we were walking into a family reunion. Positive vibes pervaded the entire space. Upon arrival everyone welcomed us and we were introduced to a very sharp and articulate fifth grader, who was responsible for giving us a tour of their facilities. She walked us through the youth center with great enthusiasm and introduced us to the various projects and staff at FFSJ. Without hesitation, this young and confident young girl, with beautiful soft brown skin and long hair, introduced herself as a youth organizer.