This chapter has highlighted three specific places of the 'sliver of subversive spaces' in the South Bank of London. There are many other places that could have been identified and brought into the discussion in slightly nuanced ways. Spinney has written about the BMX and trial-riders of the South Bank, predominantly operating in the Shell Centre. Like the Vauxhall Walls, the architecture of the Shell Centre, Spinney notes, is 'exactly the kind of area that BMX, trials riders, and skaters would find attractive'. Within the subculture of BMX and trial-riding then, the South Bank is a particularly important space. Yet there the performance of the riders lent itself to the overall spectacularised aesthetic of the Southbank Centre. Graffiti tunnel can be seen as a physical and placed manifestation of the process of the Creative City reappropriating subcultural activity. Bradley Garrett is seen as a 'training ground' of infiltration, somewhere that explorers can go to get a taste for the activity.