The effect of the media's activity on us depends on people capacity for self-reflection, for seeing the world objectively, for perceiving others as separate from ourselves, media's activity is closely linked to people ability to activate our 'civilised trickster' qualities. The media trickster reflects the broken nature of modern lifestyles and the confusing diversity of choices. The postmodern culture's elusive tricksterism, mostly perpetuated and led by the mass media. The mass media has the dual function of confusing the individual and keeping identity unstable while, at the same time, providing with alternative identities and lifestyles. The dual function is often adjacent to both the production process and the advertising industry. The sextremists took part in a variety of political protests all over the world, from sex tourism and under-representation of women in politics to religious oppression to eating disorders in the modelling industry and the political situation in Russia.